Entri Populer

Senin, 14 Maret 2011

Penjelasan Pasukan di Travian

Pembuatan dan Penggunaan Pasukan

Halaman ini menjelaskan mengenai cara melatih pasukan dengan jenis yang berbeda, dimana mereka dilatih, dan tujuan utama penggunaannya.

Membuat berbagai jenis pasukan

Unit dasar

Titik temu dibutuhkan untuk segala pembentukan, dan juga merupakan syarat pertama untuk pelatihan pasukan di barak di desa, anda langsung dapat melatih pasukan unit dasar.
Pasukan dasar
Legionnaire Legionnaire Pasukan Romawi
Clubswinger Clubswinger Pasukan Teuton
Phalanx Phalanx Pasukan Galia

Unit lainnya - bagiamana riset bekerja

Untuk melatih unit lain, anda membutuhkan :
  • Membangun atau meriset persyaratan yang dibutuhkan untuk unit tersebut.
  • Melakukan riset unit pada Akademi. Untuk melakukan riset sangat mahal. Keterangan mengenai biaya dan lama waktu untuk meriset jenis baru bisa ditemukan di Akademi.
  • Latih pasukan tersebut pada bangunan yang tepat (dijelaskan di sini)
Catatan: Riset tersebut harus diselesaikan pada setiap desa. Riset pada sebuah desa tidak berpengaruh pada desa yang lain. Jika desa ditaklukkan, maka semua riset yang sudah ada akan hilang.

Infantri lainnya - barak

Barak merupakan tempat untuk melatih pasukan infantri. Setelah melakukan riset untuk infantri lainnya pada Akademi, maka anda dapat langsung melatihnya pada barak.
Pasukan Infantri Lainnya
Praetorian Praetorian Pasukan Romawi
Imperian Imperian
Spearman Spearman Pasukan Teuton
Axeman Axeman
Scout Scout
Swordsman Swordsman Pasukan Galia

Pasukan berkuda - istal

With a blacksmith, you may get access to the stable, where all cavalry are trained. All cavalry also have the stable in requirement to even be researched.
Once the specific cavalry unit researched in the Academy, you can train it in your stable.
Cavalry troops
Equites Legati Equites Legati Roman Troops
Equites Imperatoris Equites Imperatoris
Equites Caesaris Equites Caesaris
Paladin Paladin Teutonic Troops
Teutonic Knight Teutonic Knight
Pathfinder Pathfinder Gallic Troops
Theutates Thunder Theutates Thunder
Druidrider Druidrider
Haeduan Haeduan

Siege engine - workshop

In order to build siege engines, you will need a workshop.
Once the specific siege engine unit has been researched in the Academy, you can train it in your workshop.
  • Rams/Battering Rams are the only troops that can destroy village walls.
  • Fire Catapult/Catapult/Trebuchet are the only troops that can destroy buildings. Destroying the Palace or Residence is required to conquer a village.
Siege engines troops
Battering Ram Battering Ram Roman Troops
Fire Catapult Fire Catapult
Ram Ram Teutonic Troops
Catapult Catapult
Ram Ram Gallic Troops
Trebuchet Trebuchet

Expansions troops

There are 2 kinds of troops that can be used to expand your kingdom:
  • They can create a new villages in an empty spot, starting it with only a Main Building just like when you started.
  • Settlers DO NOT need any research.
The administrators (senator, chief, chieftain)
  • They can be used to lower other villages loyalty, and conquer them.
  • Administrators need to be researched in the Academy first. Researching administrators is VERY expensive. You should make sure to read below before researching them.
Setters and Administrators are trained in the Palace or the Residence.
In a Residence you can train 3 settlers OR 1 administrator starting at lvl 10, and again at level 20. The palace allows it starting at levels 10, 15 and 20.
To check how many slots have already been used (beside living troops you might have), you can check the expansion area in the Palace or the Residence of the village.
Expansion troops
Senator Senator Roman Troops
Settler Settler
Chief Chief Teutonic Troops
Settler Settler
Chieftain Chieftain Gallic Troops
Settler Settler

Troops usage

All troops have their specific attack and defense values. They all have different means, and are better used accordingly.


Some troops (Legionnaire, Praetorian - Roman troops; Spearman, Paladin - Teutonic troops; Phalanx and Druidrider - Gallic troops) are considered as defensive troops. They are the best at defending for their respective tribes. Some are better at defending against infantry, some are better against cavalry. Having a mix of them is usually a safer bet, avoiding being weak to a specific kind.
When attacked, all troops currently placed in the village will help defend against the attack. You can help an other village (yours, or your allies') defending by sending troops as reinforcement in their village and make sure they arrive prior to the attack. Gathering defense against a big attack is a good way to block the attack, with minimal loss for the defenders.
Units armors can be upgraded in the Armoury of their home village, increasing their defense abilities.


Some troops (Legionnaire, Imperian, Equites Imperatoris, Equites Caesaris - Roman troops; Clubswinger, Axeman, Teutonic Knight - Teutonic troops; Swordsman, Theutates Thunder and Haeduan - Gallic troops) are considered offensive. They tend to deal more damage on the attacking side, than if they were on the defensive side of the battle.
Units weapons can be upgraded in the Blacksmith of their home village, increasing their attacking abilities.
Attacks can have different means.


Raids is usually mainly used when the aim is to steal resources. The attacking units make a quick strike, and leaves fast with what they can carry.
Raid can also be used when the aim is to just deal some damage to the defender, without losing too much, like in a strike that happens before other troops get around
Best raiding units:
The Clubswinger are often seen as good raiders because their low trainning cost allow them to payback the invest quickly, and combined with their attack power, they are also nice to sweep defense produced between raids.
Though the Paladin is not an attacking unit, their ability to raid resources is only matched by the Theutates Thunder velocity, and as all cavalry units, they can be used in early game to kill off some poor Clubswinger that really don't know how to defend properly against cavalry.

Regular Attacks

Regular Attacks (as in not raids) can also be used to steal resources, but if there are defending troops, more causalities on both side can be expected.
Regular attacks
  • are fought until one of the army is dead
  • can free friendly trapped units (provided at least 1 attacking unit survive)
  • can destroy walls and/or buildings (with rams and/or catapults)
  • can lower village's loyalty and conquer it (with an administrator)
Walls can give a nice defending bonus. Using rams while attacking can damage the wall, and lower defense during the attack, resulting in less causalities in the attacker, or could even change a humiliating defeat in a beautiful victory. The more rams, the faster the wall is destroyed, the less it will help defending.
How administrators work in takeovers is explained in details on the page Conquering Villages.


Spies (Romans: Equites Legati, Teutons: Scout, Gauls: Pathfinder) can be used to spy enemies and defend against other's spies.
Spies can be sent to scout an enemy's village and try to get either:
  • Defending units, and resources
  • Defending units, and building defenses (wall level, and residence/palace level)
If the defender has spies in the village, some of the scouting spies will die, and the defender will be notified. If at least one of the attacking spy gets to leave, the attacker will have the requested information.
In order to detect scouting on your villages, it is recommended to have at least a few scouts (5-30) on each of them. It is also recommended to have much more of them in the few spots (15 crops, capital, offensive village, ...) you really don't want someone to just scout and get the information.

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